28 October 2015

Posted by Teacher Adriana Gomez on 4:49 PM No comments


If you live if an earthquake prone zone, you need to prepare for an earthquake. Large objects may fall, so you need to attach them to the walls.

Always listen to the radio and television for the latest information and instructions for your area.

  1. Have a disaster plan.
  2. Choose a safe place in every room. It’s best to get under a  table or a desk where nothing can fall on you.
  3. Attach tall furniture to the wall.
  4. Electricity and running water can also stop during an earthquake. Prepare by keeping enough food and water in your house.
  5. Prepare a disaster kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, and  flashlight.

  1. Stay indoors until the shaking stops.
  2. Stay away from windows.
  3. If you’re in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow.
  4. If you’re outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees and power lines. Then, drop to the ground.
  5. If you’re in a car, slow down and drive to a safe place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.


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