25 November 2015

10:59 AM Teacher Adriana Gomez

15 November 2015

2:57 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

Spelling Test: Lesson 25

Estudiar significado de las 20 palabras para usar en contexto.  

I part Dictation of these sentences:

1.       She found a gold coin.
2.       I enjoy reading the story about a loyal dog.
3.       Your terrible voice makes so much noise.
4.       The bread with moisture is going to spoil.
5.       Avoid junk food, eat healthy.

II Part of the test is about completing sentences with the words.
2:33 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

Spelling Test: Lesson 25

Estudiar significado de las 20 palabras para usar en contexto.  

I part Dictation of these sentences:

1.       She found a gold coin.
2.       I enjoy reading the story about a loyal dog.
3.       Your terrible voice makes so much noise.
4.       The bread with moisture is going to spoil.
5.       Avoid junk food, eat healthy.

II Part of the test is about completing sentences with the words.

11 November 2015

Subject and Predicate

Subject and Predicate Power Point Presentation

6:09 AM Teacher Adriana Gomez

Subject and Predicate

Subject and Predicate Power Point Presentation

31 October 2015

11:43 AM Teacher Adriana Gomez

28 October 2015


If you live if an earthquake prone zone, you need to prepare for an earthquake. Large objects may fall, so you need to attach them to the walls.

Always listen to the radio and television for the latest information and instructions for your area.

  1. Have a disaster plan.
  2. Choose a safe place in every room. It’s best to get under a  table or a desk where nothing can fall on you.
  3. Attach tall furniture to the wall.
  4. Electricity and running water can also stop during an earthquake. Prepare by keeping enough food and water in your house.
  5. Prepare a disaster kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, and  flashlight.

  1. Stay indoors until the shaking stops.
  2. Stay away from windows.
  3. If you’re in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow.
  4. If you’re outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees and power lines. Then, drop to the ground.
  5. If you’re in a car, slow down and drive to a safe place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.

4:49 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez


If you live if an earthquake prone zone, you need to prepare for an earthquake. Large objects may fall, so you need to attach them to the walls.

Always listen to the radio and television for the latest information and instructions for your area.

  1. Have a disaster plan.
  2. Choose a safe place in every room. It’s best to get under a  table or a desk where nothing can fall on you.
  3. Attach tall furniture to the wall.
  4. Electricity and running water can also stop during an earthquake. Prepare by keeping enough food and water in your house.
  5. Prepare a disaster kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, and  flashlight.

  1. Stay indoors until the shaking stops.
  2. Stay away from windows.
  3. If you’re in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow.
  4. If you’re outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees and power lines. Then, drop to the ground.
  5. If you’re in a car, slow down and drive to a safe place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.

Words with  /oi/

  1. coin
  2. moisture
  3. enjoy
  4. spoil
  5. destroy
  6. employ
  7. point
  8. employer
  9. loyal
  10. royal
  11. poison
  12. soil
  13. join
  14. voyage
  15. loyalty
  16. avoid
  17. voice
  18. noise
  19. soybean
  20. choice

1. She found a gold___________.
2. The only ________ I have is vanilla ice cream.
3. The room was full of ________________.
4. We really____________reading.
5. Many foods are made from the ________________.
6. Who´s outside making all that______________?
7. He has an excellent______________.
8. Please _______________ junk food, it is no good for you.
9. The fans show their________________ to the team.
10. Let´s take a _________ to the Great Wall of China.
11. I want to ____________ the Science club.
12. She planted the seeds in the _______________.
13. Keep the ____________away from the pets.
14. England has a __________family.
15.I am ____________to my friends.
16. Dad´s ____________gave him a paycheck.
17. I broke my pencil´s _________.
18. Factories _____________ many people.
19. Milk will_________ if you don´t put it in the fridge.
20. Tornadoes ___________ houses and buildings.
5:50 AM Teacher Adriana Gomez
Words with  /oi/

  1. coin
  2. moisture
  3. enjoy
  4. spoil
  5. destroy
  6. employ
  7. point
  8. employer
  9. loyal
  10. royal
  11. poison
  12. soil
  13. join
  14. voyage
  15. loyalty
  16. avoid
  17. voice
  18. noise
  19. soybean
  20. choice

1. She found a gold___________.
2. The only ________ I have is vanilla ice cream.
3. The room was full of ________________.
4. We really____________reading.
5. Many foods are made from the ________________.
6. Who´s outside making all that______________?
7. He has an excellent______________.
8. Please _______________ junk food, it is no good for you.
9. The fans show their________________ to the team.
10. Let´s take a _________ to the Great Wall of China.
11. I want to ____________ the Science club.
12. She planted the seeds in the _______________.
13. Keep the ____________away from the pets.
14. England has a __________family.
15.I am ____________to my friends.
16. Dad´s ____________gave him a paycheck.
17. I broke my pencil´s _________.
18. Factories _____________ many people.
19. Milk will_________ if you don´t put it in the fridge.
20. Tornadoes ___________ houses and buildings.