22 February 2014

Posted by Teacher Adriana Gomez on 7:45 PM No comments


La Bamba explained: the music of Veracruz

Janice Carraher

Para bailar la bamba 
Para bailar la bamba 
Se necesita 
Una poca de gracia 
Una poca de gracia 
Y otra cosita
Can you hear Ritchie Valens belting that one out? One of Rock and Roll’s most copied songs (from garage bands, movies, and college marching bands, to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). La Bamba is an ode to an era, the anthem of the American Boom generation. Many of us over the years continue to sing that catchy song without thinking much about it. But in truth, there is a whole lot more here than meets most peoples ears.
La Bamba did not jump out of some songwriter’s head in the 1950’s - in fact, it probably dates back to the beginning of the last century. Its birthplace is southern Veracruz, eastern Oaxaca, and northern Tabasco. This song is in fact not a “song” at all but a son.

Taken from 


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