23 March 2014


                                    The Civil Rights Movement video here

Martin Luther King speech I HAVE A DREAM English subtitles

9:01 AM Teacher Adriana Gomez


                                    The Civil Rights Movement video here

Martin Luther King speech I HAVE A DREAM English subtitles

21 March 2014

Human Geography Project # 2
Power Point Presentation  
12th grade
The Five Themes of Geography
Due date: Friday, March 28th 2014

Make a PPT on the five themes of Geography on ONE country I will assign to you, answering the following 18 questions only with pictures, and a CAPTION below it that summarizes the content of the picture. Each question must be answered with at least one picture and one caption.

Hand in to your teacher through email address adrianagomez77@gmail.com , as well as in a CD that runs with Windows 7 on FRI 28th

1.     Introduction                                                               5 pts
2.     Content ( all 18 questions, pictures ,captions)     32 pts
3.     Sources of information- Bibliography                     5 pts
4.     Correct grammar and spelling.                                8 pts
5.     Punctuality                                                                 10 pts


·         Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

                                                             Many Scottish people have ginger hair.

Premier Weddings - Picture of a Scottish Wedding Party
                                              Traditional Scottish wedding in a castle, men wear kilt.


·         Where is the place (longitude, latitude, continent, hemispheres)?
·         How far away from home is it (travel time by plane, distance in miles or kilometers)?
·         What countries are neighbors of the country ?

·         Describe the place (size, shape).
·         What is the climate (temperature, rainfall)?
·         What kinds of physical features are there (mountains, rivers, deserts)?
·         Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

Human-Environment Interactions
·         How do people use the land (farming, herding, mining, industry)?
·         How have people changed the land?
·         Where do most people live (near a river or coastline, in the mountains)?
·         Why do you think people settled there (water, safety, food, natural beauty)?

·         How will you travel to the place (route, drive, fly, walk)?
·         Does the country export goods to other places? If so, what and where?
·         Does the country import goods from other places? If so, what and from where?
·         Why would people leave or move to the country (jobs, family, climate, war)?

·         What language(s) do people speak?
·         What are the political divisions of the country (states, provinces, republics)?
·         How is the country similar to any of its neighbors (traditions, language, climate)?

4:04 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

Human Geography Project # 2
Power Point Presentation  
12th grade
The Five Themes of Geography
Due date: Friday, March 28th 2014

Make a PPT on the five themes of Geography on ONE country I will assign to you, answering the following 18 questions only with pictures, and a CAPTION below it that summarizes the content of the picture. Each question must be answered with at least one picture and one caption.

Hand in to your teacher through email address adrianagomez77@gmail.com , as well as in a CD that runs with Windows 7 on FRI 28th

1.     Introduction                                                               5 pts
2.     Content ( all 18 questions, pictures ,captions)     32 pts
3.     Sources of information- Bibliography                     5 pts
4.     Correct grammar and spelling.                                8 pts
5.     Punctuality                                                                 10 pts


·         Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

                                                             Many Scottish people have ginger hair.

Premier Weddings - Picture of a Scottish Wedding Party
                                              Traditional Scottish wedding in a castle, men wear kilt.


·         Where is the place (longitude, latitude, continent, hemispheres)?
·         How far away from home is it (travel time by plane, distance in miles or kilometers)?
·         What countries are neighbors of the country ?

·         Describe the place (size, shape).
·         What is the climate (temperature, rainfall)?
·         What kinds of physical features are there (mountains, rivers, deserts)?
·         Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

Human-Environment Interactions
·         How do people use the land (farming, herding, mining, industry)?
·         How have people changed the land?
·         Where do most people live (near a river or coastline, in the mountains)?
·         Why do you think people settled there (water, safety, food, natural beauty)?

·         How will you travel to the place (route, drive, fly, walk)?
·         Does the country export goods to other places? If so, what and where?
·         Does the country import goods from other places? If so, what and from where?
·         Why would people leave or move to the country (jobs, family, climate, war)?

·         What language(s) do people speak?
·         What are the political divisions of the country (states, provinces, republics)?
·         How is the country similar to any of its neighbors (traditions, language, climate)?

13 March 2014

We use the Five Themes of Geography when we want to learn about a certain country, city, region, etc. 
Ask yourself these questions about a particular area, city or country:

  • Where is the place (longitude, latitude, continent, hemispheres)?
  • How far away from home is it (travel time by plane, distance in miles or kilometers)?
  • What countries are neighbors of the country?

  • Place
  • Describe the place (size, shape).
  • What is the climate (temperature, rainfall)?
  • What kinds of physical features are there (mountains, rivers, deserts)?
  • Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

  • Human-Environment Interactions
  • How do people use the land (farming, herding, mining, industry)?
  • How have people changed the land?
  • Where do most people live (near a river or coastline, in the mountains)?
  • Why do you think people settled there (water, safety, food, natural beauty)?

  • Movement
  • How will you travel to the place (route, drive, fly, walk)?
  • Does the country export goods to other places? If so, what and where?
  • Does the country import goods from other places? If so, what and from where?
  • Why would people leave or move to the country (jobs, family, climate, war)?

  • Regions
  • What language(s) do people speak?
  • What are the political divisions of the country (states, provinces, republics)?
  • How is the country similar to any of its neighbors (traditions, language, climate)?
4:30 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

We use the Five Themes of Geography when we want to learn about a certain country, city, region, etc. 
Ask yourself these questions about a particular area, city or country:

  • Where is the place (longitude, latitude, continent, hemispheres)?
  • How far away from home is it (travel time by plane, distance in miles or kilometers)?
  • What countries are neighbors of the country?

  • Place
  • Describe the place (size, shape).
  • What is the climate (temperature, rainfall)?
  • What kinds of physical features are there (mountains, rivers, deserts)?
  • Describe the people who live there (nationalities, traditions, etc.).

  • Human-Environment Interactions
  • How do people use the land (farming, herding, mining, industry)?
  • How have people changed the land?
  • Where do most people live (near a river or coastline, in the mountains)?
  • Why do you think people settled there (water, safety, food, natural beauty)?

  • Movement
  • How will you travel to the place (route, drive, fly, walk)?
  • Does the country export goods to other places? If so, what and where?
  • Does the country import goods from other places? If so, what and from where?
  • Why would people leave or move to the country (jobs, family, climate, war)?

  • Regions
  • What language(s) do people speak?
  • What are the political divisions of the country (states, provinces, republics)?
  • How is the country similar to any of its neighbors (traditions, language, climate)?

12 March 2014


Mind mapping is a very effective method to extract and memorize information . They are a logical and creative way of taking notes and ideas which is literally a map of thoughts on a topic.

All mind maps have common elements. They have a radial organizational structure from a nucleus in which lines , symbols, words , colors and images illustrate simple and logical concepts. 

To better understand what a mind map is, imagine the map of a city . The city center is the main idea, the main avenues leading to the center represent the key thoughts of the mental process , the smaller side streets represent the thoughts, etc. . Pictures or special forms may represent particularly important landmarks or ideas.

The mind map is the external mirror that reflects your thoughts using a graphic process, which provides the universal key to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain.

Some links to software and online web pages to create mind maps





8:08 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

Mind mapping is a very effective method to extract and memorize information . They are a logical and creative way of taking notes and ideas which is literally a map of thoughts on a topic.

All mind maps have common elements. They have a radial organizational structure from a nucleus in which lines , symbols, words , colors and images illustrate simple and logical concepts. 

To better understand what a mind map is, imagine the map of a city . The city center is the main idea, the main avenues leading to the center represent the key thoughts of the mental process , the smaller side streets represent the thoughts, etc. . Pictures or special forms may represent particularly important landmarks or ideas.

The mind map is the external mirror that reflects your thoughts using a graphic process, which provides the universal key to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain.

Some links to software and online web pages to create mind maps






This is a 1961 version of the Roald Dahl story. Alfred Hitchcock was a famous suspense film director.

7:57 PM Teacher Adriana Gomez

This is a 1961 version of the Roald Dahl story. Alfred Hitchcock was a famous suspense film director.